Friday, June 6, 2008

June 4th

During the second session of zazen during the second 5 hour block (the 7th hour of zazen of the day, from 11-12), Docho-san screamed 'DOOOOOONNNNNTTTTTT MMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEE'. At first, I had no idea what had happened. I thought maybe a tree fell on the Hondo, or everyone was starting some chant. Then after a few seconds, my mind kicked in - 'oh, that was Docho-san, he just yelled at us about not moving.'

He wasn't yelling at me. I hadn't moved a muscle for about 15 minutes by the time he had screamed that. I saw someone on the right side of the Hondo sort of adjust themselves after he said this, so maybe it was that person, I don't know.

I can now see why Brad said, 'Oh... you're doing Antai-ji. They're a bunch of Nazis there.'

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